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Summer outdoor full-color LED display water treatment solution

The heavy rain in summer is a big test for the waterproof function of the outdoor full-color LED display, so how to deal with the water ingress of the outdoor full-color LED display in summer? LED display manufacturers share summer outdoor full-color LED display water treatment solutions!

Water treatment scheme for outdoor full-color LED display in summer:

1. Absorb a large amount of water with a cloth or towel at the fastest speed, and then dry it in the next step. Note that power off operation is required.

2. After drying the screen, continue to energize and age. The specific operation steps are as follows:

Staged operation: the full white brightness of the screen is 10%, and the power-on aging time is 8-12 hours.

Full white brightness is 30%, time is 12 hours

Full white brightness is 60%, time is 12-24 hours

Full white brightness is 80%, time is 12-24 hours

Full white brightness is 100%, time is 8-12 hours

3. There is basically no problem after completing the above steps, but you need to pay attention to the following points during the operation:

a. Corresponding measures should be taken in time when the screen body enters the water, and the time should not be delayed.

b. Quickly dry the screen body that has entered the water.

c. Do not put the screen body that has entered the water into the air box, which may cause damage to the LED lamp beads.

d. Pay attention to whether the air box has water.

e. If the screen body after entering the water is not handled in time, it may affect the stability of the screen body to some extent, and the phenomenon of dead lights may be found during the power-on aging process.

f. If the full-color LED display screen with water has been in the air box for more than 72 hours, there is basically no repair value, please handle it with caution.

Post time: Mar-10-2022